Low Service Levels

  • May 21, 2019

  • The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center

60% of consumers favor a balance of price and service and will not accept low service levels in exchange for a cheap deal.

In every business, today’s consumers have expectations and often, said expectations are met with low service levels. However, simply meeting expectations will not create a memorable service experience. Customers won’t recall the time they received exactly what they expected. Why? Because it’s just that—exactly what they expected. Customers are willing to pay more for a service in return for a memorable experience. Also, happy customers spend more money—so why not aim to create memories for your customers and earn their loyalty long-term? It’s also important to remember that no matter the industry, consumers today have choices in everything—what kind of car will they drive, who they will bank with, which healthcare provider they will select and so on. In order to stand out, you and your employees need to focus on memorable customer service…not just customer service.

Below are a few key tips we highlight in our Memorable Customer Service program to power meaningful moments with customers:

  • Emotional Connection: The difference between functional and emotional benefits and why this distinction is critical to brand loyalty.
  • The Ritz-Carlton Key Service Principles: The service principles that lead to authentic connections and the importance of psychology in service.
  • Becoming a Service Sensation: The five components that customers need and want in a service industry professional, regardless of organization or customer.
  • A Written Service Strategy: It is critical to offer a consistent customer experience. One of the ways this is achieved at The Ritz-Carlton is through the Three Steps of Service.
  • The Power of Anticipatory Service: Anticipate customer needs through their service journey, including how to stay-in-the-moment to increase perception, customer relationship management best practices, and how to leverage surprise and delight techniques.

Explore our Onsite Programs & Experiences to see how you can drive memorable customer service within your organization.

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