Start Your Enrollment for the Exclusive OMNI Virtual Program Series

function timestamp() { var response = document.getElementById(“g-recaptcha-response”); if (response == null || response.value.trim() == “”) {var elems = JSON.parse(document.getElementsByName(“captcha_settings”)[0].value);elems[“ts”] = JSON.stringify(new Date().getTime());document.getElementsByName(“captcha_settings”)[0].value = JSON.stringify(elems); } } setInterval(timestamp, 500);function validateRecaptcha(){var response = document.getElementById(“g-recaptcha-response”);if (response == null || response.value.trim() == “”) {alert(“You must complete reCAPTCHA to submit this form.”);return false;}}
We are delighted to learn of your interest in the upcoming virtual program series designed exclusively for OMNI. For reference, the available date options for each module are listed below. For pricing details and additional program information, you can find the complete program overview here.

Session 1: Customer Journey Mapping: Available on Two Dates in May 2021 (Select 1)

  • Tuesday, May 18: 9:00PM – 11:00PM Pacific Standard Time
  • Thursday, May 20: 7:00AM – 9:00AM Pacific Standard Time

Session 2: The Art of Service Recovery: Available on Two Dates in September 2021 (Select 1)

  • Monday, September 6: 9:00PM – 11:00PM Pacific Standard Time
  • Wednesday, September 8: 7:00AM – 9:00AM Pacific Standard Time

We invite you to start your enrollment process by completing the form below and providing your date preferences. All fields are required unless otherwise noted. Thank you!


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