Category: Blog Insights

May, 2019 21st

Low Service Levels

60% of consumers favor a balance of price and service and will not accept low service levels in exchange for a cheap deal. In every business, today’s consumers have expectations and often, said expectations are met with low service levels. However, simply meeting expectations will not create a memorable service experience. Customers won’t recall the […]

Blog Insights

Avoid Awkward Customer Service

Blog Insights

Building Meaningful Customer Relationships

Blog Insights

Customer Engagement

May, 2019 10th

Teachable Moment: Cleanliness

SCENARIO If you can’t master the basics, such as cleanliness in your workplace, how are your customers supposed to trust you to deliver excellence at a higher level? A hotel guest, Mr. Smith, approaches the front desk ready to check in. Mr. Smith has a pleasant check-in experience; the agent is friendly, uses his name […]

Blog Insights

Employee Feedback

Blog Insights

Exercising Discretion at Work

Blog Insights

Fostering Great Service

March, 2019 19th

The Power of Empowerment

Empowerment will make your organization more efficient and customer-focused. Almost everyone familiar with The Ritz-Carlton knows a little bit about how we believe in using empowerment to support (and well, empower) our Ladies & Gentlemen. Each Lady & Gentleman at The Ritz-Carlton, at all levels, are empowered to spend a dedicated amount per guest, per […]

Blog Insights

To Be A Visionary, Have Courage

Blog Insights

Transform Customer Problems Into Opportunities

Blog Insights

Seeking Directions

March, 2019 19th

Fostering Great Service

DOs and DON’Ts of Fostering Great Service Fostering great service comes from the heart. If you have the spirit to serve and are genuine, you can extend personalized service. DO try to hire employees who already have a passion for service. Passion produces an intense emotional connection. Employees who are driven by service are more willing to […]

Blog Insights

4 Tips for Addressing Employee Burnout


Bank Mortgage Customer Service

Blog Insights

Customer Engagement

March, 2019 16th

Effective Interview Engagement

Increasing employee engagement investments by 10 percent can increase company profits by $2,400 per employee per year. With this information in mind, it’s clear why effective interview engagement matters throughout each point in the hiring cycle is critical. SCENARIO A bright, young, talented job candidate comes to an office for a job interview. During the […]

Blog Insights

4 Tips for Addressing Employee Burnout

Blog Insights

Building Meaningful Customer Relationships

Blog Insights

Customer Service Car Dealership

February, 2019 05th

Customer Service Car Dealership

CAR DEALERSHIP CUSTOMER SERVICE  A car dealership customer service experience can go one of many ways. A lady had reached the end of her vehicle lease agreement and she was instructed to make an appointment with the car dealership to return the vehicle. When the lady called the car dealership, the receptionist did not know […]


Bank Mortgage Customer Service

Blog Insights

4 Tips for Addressing Employee Burnout

Blog Insights

Customer Engagement

February, 2018 13th

Inspired Thinking: Long-Range Planning

“You’ve got to eat while you dream. You’ve got to deliver on short-range commitments, while you develop a long-range strategy and vision and implement it. The success of doing both. Walking and chewing gum if you will. Getting it done in the short-range, and delivering a long-range plan, and executing on that.”— Jack Welch, former chairman […]

Blog Insights

Avoid Awkward Customer Service

Blog Insights

Customer Service Car Dealership

Blog Insights

Employee Feedback

February, 2018 06th

Avoid Awkward Customer Service

Inspire Customer Service Excellence Customer service is not just a checklist of activities. There is an art, style and grace to customer service. When performed well, excellent service provides your customers with a feeling of comfort, security and well-being. However, service that lacks finesse can leave customers feeling uneasy and uncomfortable. Avoid awkward customer service […]

Blog Insights

4 Tips for Addressing Employee Burnout

Blog Insights

Building Meaningful Customer Relationships

Blog Insights

Effective Interview Engagement

January, 2018 30th

Leadership Lessons

Successful executives learn their most important leadership lessons through: 70% Challenging assignments (job changes and stretch assignments); 20% Other people (bosses, coaches, mentors, etc.) and 10% Formal courses and books. (source) Learning is a life-long journey. “I learn best by doing.” Isn’t the ultimate goal of learning to be able to do the thing that […]

Blog Insights

Avoid Awkward Customer Service

Blog Insights

4 Tips for Addressing Employee Burnout

Blog Insights

Building Meaningful Customer Relationships

January, 2018 10th

Employee Feedback

DOs and DON’Ts of Providing Effective Employee Feedback Employee feedback is essential to foster employee engagement. At The Ritz-Carlton, we always say that feedback is a gift. This is especially true when providing employee feedback. Sharing this important information on an ongoing basis will mitigate surprises when it comes time for the annual review process. […]

Blog Insights

4 Tips for Addressing Employee Burnout

Blog Insights

Building Meaningful Customer Relationships

Blog Insights

Customer Engagement
