Category: Blog Insights

December, 2023 19th

Enlivening Experiences through Excellence in Teamwork

The Ritz-Carlton is known for its excellence in guest service and for the genuine care expressed by our Ladies and Gentlemen.  We strive to make every experience at our hotels unique and memorable. This kind of service would not be possible without teamwork.  Service Value 7 states, “I create an environment of teamwork and lateral […]

September, 2023 26th

Empowering Employees to Create a Unique, Memorable and Personal Experience for Every Guest

The third of the 12 Ritz-Carlton Service Values is, “I am empowered to create unique, memorable and personal experiences for our guests.”  As with every element of the Credo Card, this one may be a short phrase, but it is packed with meaning.  “I am empowered…” Consistent with the other Service Values, Service Value 3 […]

August, 2023 23rd

Building Strong Relationships

This week’s blog begins a look at the 12 Service Values of The Ritz-Carlton.  While 12 may seem like a lot, each Service Value is unique and equally important to delivering on our brand’s promise of inspiring life’s most meaningful journeys. Facts about The Ritz-Carlton Service Values: They began as 20 Basics and were the […]

July, 2023 31st

Enlivening The Ritz-Carlton Credo By Delivering on Guest Privacy

When we bring the culture of The Ritz-Carlton brand to life, we can help our guests create memories that last a lifetime.  However, if someone doesn’t feel safe in our hotels, we may miss the opportunity to build a strong relationship with them.  The Ritz-Carlton Credo begins, “The genuine care and comfort of our guests […]

June, 2023 07th

The Ritz-Carlton Mystique

At The Ritz-Carlton, Service Value 4 states “I understand my role in achieving the Key Success Factors, embracing Community Footprints and creating The Ritz-Carlton Mystique.”  Key Success Factors are set through the Strategic Planning Process. They drive our action and measure our performance. Community Footprints is the corporate social responsibility program at The Ritz-Carlton that […]

April, 2023 17th

The Art of Anticipation

Today, we explore Service Value 2, “I am always responsive to the expressed and unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests.”  This Service Value relates closely to the second step of our Three Steps of Service, “Anticipation and fulfillment of each guest’s needs.” Put simply: Expressed wishes and needs are what the customer is willing […]

March, 2023 20th

Always Moving Forward: Innovation at The Ritz-Carlton

The Ritz-Carlton has always been a brand that is not content with resting on its laurels.  We take time to celebrate accolades, but we soon return our thoughts to the future and what we can do even better.  Success is never final at The Ritz-Carlton.  This idea is reflected in Service Value 5, “I continuously […]

March, 2023 18th

Being Involved in the Planning of the Work that Affects Us

Several years ago, one of our hotels was undertaking a renovation of front desk area.  Initially, working together on the project were the typical expected players – the General Manager, the Director of Engineering, and an outside design firm.  The employees who would be using the newly designed area enlivened Service Value 9, “I am […]

January, 2023 01st

3 Reasons Your Culture Should be a Strategic Priority in 2023

As companies around the globe continue to adjust to the future of work, there is stress and uncertainty consuming our lives in ways people have never experienced before. More than ever, employees need effective leadership and purpose centered around an authentic, genuine, connected culture. Without a strong culture, companies will lose talent and profit, only to […]

December, 2022 15th

Increasing Brand Loyalty with Thoughtful Service Recovery

In an ideal world, each customer interaction with our organization would be issue-free, but the reality is that even with the best intentions, customers will experience problems.  This is true for any organization.  Service recovery is the term used to describe the process of solving problems and rebuilding the customer relationship.  Very often the relationship […]